Purchase Now – It’s Easy!

THANK YOU for your interest in my paintings! It’s really easy to purchase a painting right away using PayPal. Just take the price of the painting and add the shipping rate and you’ll get your total. With that total, simply go to PayPal.me/SonnierArt and put in the total to buy with PayPal. That’s it!
Then just email me to let me know which painting you bought, and to also give me your shipping address if it’s not in the PayPal information. My email: Troy@AmericanDreamy.com . Or, if you are on Instagram, you can notify me there. I’m @AmericanDreamy on Instagram (instagram.com/AmericanDreamy).

Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you! Troy
Email: Troy@AmericanDreamy.com
Instagram: AmericanDreamy